Why did you choose this career?

 In this blog I will give a small explanation of why I chose my career and what I have found so far 

 I have always liked being able to help others and I have had an interest in many of the behaviors of people and I thought that psychology was a good career to be able to learn more about people and be able to help them. I also had thought about studying other careers such as political science, economics or international relations, but felt that psychology was my best option for what I wanted to do, although I do not rule out studying one of those careers later. When I was younger I always thought about studying gastronomy, but with the passage of time I realized that it was a pretty cool career and that there were other things that caught my attention, there was also a teacher who helped me discard the idea of studying gastronomy, since I thought that I would do better in another career, but if I think about it I'm glad I studied psychology since I like the degree and my first years at university have been quite pleasant and I like the dynamics of the university with the good atmosphere that exists between students and teachers.
my ideal job would be to be a legal psychologist since I find that this is a very striking area where a lot can be done 


  1. It's make me so happy that you enjoy so much what you study and the university environment

  2. I am also interested in the legal field! I do not know many psychologists in that field, I hope you can fulfill your purpose!


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